Friday, 6 February 2009

FREE improv show this Monday at The Creek! 8PM! UCB Harold team folks!

Hey friends,

So, I've got an improv show coming up! I'm pretty darn excited about it. This is the deal: I'm going to be doing a show this Monday Feb. 9th at 8 o'clock at The Creek (in Long Island City) on a team with some folks who are on Harold teams at UCB. And the show is FREE! In case you desire to know still more, here are additional words:

The Creek is going to start doing this thing called The Kaleidoscope, a night of improv comedy with teams made up of individuals from different experience levels who have never performed together before and who will (potentially) never perform together again. Here is the team I'm on:

Kevin Hines (The Scam)
Brian Faas (The Fucking Kennedys)
Paul W Downs (Whorenado)
Grace Aldrige (Safeword)
Sarah Claspell (In A World)
Brian Barrett (Bastian)
Nate Dern (Swartzlander)

And here is the Facebook page with more info:

Anyway, I'm excited/nervous. Come if you feel moved by the spirit.


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