Sunday, 24 August 2008

MetroCard bike

This was the second time I’d seen this bike around town, although I guess there could be multiple MetroCard decked out bikes lurking around the city.

I’d like to think that this bike belongs to an eccentric millionaire who completed the decorations by walking to the nearest subway station, purchasing a single ticket, then walking home and carefully applying the ticket with a hot glue gun. I’d like to think that this process was completed with dedication and care over several weeks during a hot and muggy summer. And I’d like to think that after the final MetroCard was applied, the eccentric millionaire stood up, smiled, and rode his masterpiece to a nearby park, preferably one with a fountain and ample space to park a bike.

1 comment:

zsamurai said...

lmaoo oh shit
i know there's a full fair on one of those